
Race:  Lizardmen
Coach:  Daedalus

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Oct. 1st, 2022 - old news
Blood and Dinos for the blood god!
Welcome back blood bowl fans! We are in for quite a game here with Angry Ron's Khorne Flakes chosen of Khorne facing the Jurassic fury of the Insta-gators.

First half saw the gators take early possession of the ball and feint to the left with a strong contingent on the ball. The lizards made a dire mistake deep in the opponents half opening up their cage for a cheeky block by Nitemare, completely annihilating the ball carier and putting the ball into the waiting hands of Valois who sprinted down the pitch. Valkia The Bloody disposed of the ball to Kurt Scicklsword awaiting in the end zone with a long Bomb pass. The Khorne Flakes must have truely please Khorne who blessed them with two successful long shots to land a perfect completion and score the first touchdown just before the end of the first half.

Second half opens with the Khorne bois receiving and making a great pass to Hogan Headhacker who fumbles the catch. Both teams saw a few self inflicted fumbles that allowed Hogan Headhacker to grab the ball and dash in for a touchdown. Last drive opened with the gators receiving a deep kick and going hard down the right side of pitch with strong line of Saurus giving the Khorne bois second thoughts about engaging, for a Ka-l’dei to run a touchdown over the lines. Leaving the game as 2-1 one for the blood god! He would be pleased with the carnage today.

Both teams walked away worse for wear (although Nitemare injury occurred off pitch by a pair of giants in dark suits, who are in no way affiliated with popular burger chain)
- Daedalus
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