The Treefold Folly's

Race:  Old World Alliance
Coach:  Daedalus
The Treefold Folly's, led by Captain Elara Greenleaf, blend strength, skill, and camaraderie in the Old World Alliance. At their core is Treewoman Oaklyn defending fiercely. Steelheart charges with unmatched ferocity. Human duo Lily Rose and Briar Thornheart disrupt enemy formations while Dwarf Blockers Helga Stonehammer and Hilda Stonehammer stand stalwart. Now, Lysandra Fireheart, a skilled Human Catcher, adds agility to their offense. Together, they embody unity and resilience, proving teamwork triumphs.

Old World Alliance logo
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Bulletin board from the coach
Apr. 20th, 2024
Welcome The Tree Fold Folleys to SAWL!!
The Treefold Folly's are a unique blend of strength, skill, and camaraderie, representing the very essence of the Old World Alliance. Led by Captain Elara Greenleaf, a nimble Halfling quarterback with a knack for strategic plays, this team of misfits and warriors has become a force to be reckoned with on the Blood Bowl pitch.

At the heart of their defense stands the towering Treewoman, Oaklyn, whose massive branches provide both protection and intimidation to opposing teams. Alongside her, Steelheart, the Dwarf Slayer, brings unmatched ferocity and determination, always ready to charge headlong into the fray.

In the midfield, the human duo of Lily Rose and Briar Thornheart, the team's thrower and blitzer respectively, form a formidable partnership, their precise passes and lightning-fast tackles disrupting enemy formations with ease. Flanking them are the sturdy Dwarf Blockers, <no such player> and Hilda Stonehammer, whose unwavering resolve and stout defense make them invaluable assets on both offense and defense.

Surrounding the core are the gritty Human Linemen, known for their unwavering determination and willingness to sacrifice for the team's success. And now, joining the team as a new addition is Lysandra Fireheart, a skilled Human Catcher known for her speed and agility. With her fiery determination and lightning-fast reflexes, she adds a new dimension to The Treefold Folly's offense, ready to catch any pass and dart past defenders towards the end zone.

Together, The Treefold Folly's embody the spirit of unity and resilience, proving that true strength comes not from size or stature, but from the bonds of friendship and teamwork forged on the battlefield.
- Daedalus
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