Bone Marrow Banshee's

Race:  Amazon
Coach:  Souless Shoe

Bone Marrow Banshee's team badge
Bulletin board from the coach
Feb. 21st, 2023 - old news
Do the Banshees have what it takes..?
The banshees have started there debut in the WCL season 13 with Coach Shoe coming back on the scene. Here's a recent update on there matches so far:

Round 1 was an exciting match between The Phantom Troupe and the Bone Marrow Banshees, elven BS vs Dodge both rookie teams starting In the season. The Banshees started strong and held the ball in the Troupes half for the first half of the match, After half time the Troupe made a small break for the end zone after receiving the ball but was shut down quickly by the Banshees who made a break with a loose ball legging it down the pitch to score the winning TD, but at what cost....the Banshees suffered a great deal of injuries including new recruit Lacrimal found dead on the pitch after she tripped and landing quite nasty on her head.

Round 2 was against another rookie Amazon team The Daughters of Anubis. The Banshees going in missing several players but to no great surprise the Daughters also looked beten up pretty badly. This match was pretty tame due to the previous injuries but the Banshees managing a slight lead by taking out an opponents blitzer and getting the TD to win the game.

And Round 3.......Well this match was a slaughter festival, matched up against The Coal Fueled Bulls the Banshees were up against the worst match up they could have. As soon as the game started the Bulls let lose there power taking out the Banshees hired mercenaries and soon turned to the Banshees themselves, slowly taking them out 1 by 1 whilst casually scoring TDs whilst they lay bleeding on the floor. Despite the brutal beat down and help from extra nursing staff the Banshees only suffered minor injuries only missing 1 player for there next match, though the extra hired help didn't end up as nice as the Banshees.

Will they succeed in there next round against Big and Small or suffer another devastating loss like there last match, who knows but it will be a match you don't want to miss...
- Souless Shoe
Tournaments played:
WCL S13, WCL S14
Trophies won:
4th Place: WCL S13



WCL Season 14 Champion
BFL Season 3

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