Pebblehaven Pie-rates

Race:  Halfling
Coach:  simonjb
In the quaint hamlet of Pebblehaven, the Pie-rates emerged a year ago, led by Captain Pippin "Piebeard" Bramblepot. Fusing culinary finesse with Blood Bowl, their "Pastry Pass" maneuver and whimsical tactics have made them darlings of the pitch. As they celebrate their first anniversary, the Pie-rates continue to prove that, in halfling hands, a game can be both fierce and flavorful. Here's to another year of thrilling matches and delectable victories!

Pebblehaven Pie-rates team badge
Bulletin board from the coach


Tournaments played:
Playing in:
Trophies won:

WCL Season 14 Champion
BFL Season 3

Latest bulletins:
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